Our Policies (FREE SHIPPING)
The product will be dispatched within 1 business day after payment is received.
It should take 3-10 business days for the product to reach your destination.
If the product does not reach your destination within the specified time period, please allow additional 2-3 business days in case there are postal delays and/or possible technical issues.
If it takes any longer than that, please contact us here and choose inquiry type “My Order”. Include details about when the order was placed and what the tracking information says.
In the event that the product is discovered to have been damaged prior to shipping, we will provide a full refund to you within 2 business days.
We kindly ask you to not leave negative feedback before contacting us in case of any issues.
If you were satisfied with your product, please provide positive feedback. We strive to offer you high-quality products at competitive prices, and positive ratings help us maintain that.